

Clin Cancer Res. 2004 Mar 1;10(5):1574-9.

Phase II randomized trial of autologous formalin-fixed tumor vaccine for postsurgical recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma.

Kuang M , Peng BG , Lu MD , Liang LJ , Huang JF , He Q , Hua YP , Totsuka S , Liu SQ , Leong KW , Ohno T .
Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou , China .

PURPOSE: We conducted a Phase II clinical trial with randomized patients to determine whether autologous formalin-fixed tumor vaccine (AFTV) protects against postsurgical recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Forty-one patients with HCC who had undergone curative resection were randomly allocated to the vaccine treatment (n = 19) or no adjuvant control group (n = 22). Three intradermal vaccinations were administered at 2-week intervals beginning 4-6 weeks after hepatic resection. A delayed-type hypersensitivity test was performed before and after vaccination. Primary and secondary end points are recurrence-free survival and overall survival, respectively. Observation continued until the majority of surviving patients had lived >12 months after the curative resection. RESULTS: In a median follow-up of 15 months, the risk of recurrence in vaccinated patients was reduced by 81% (95% confidence interval, 33-95%; P = 0.003). Vaccination significantly prolonged the time to first recurrence (P = 0.003) and improved recurrence-free survival (P = 0.003) and overall survival rates (P = 0.01). AFTV played a significant role in preventing recurrence in patients with small tumors. Adverse effects were limited to grade 1 or 2 skin toxicities such as erythema, dry desquamation, and pruritus. CONCLUSIONS: AFTV therapy is a safe, feasible, and effective treatment for preventing postoperational recurrence of HCC. Patients with low tumor burdens benefit from the treatment. This treatment should be advanced to a large-scale randomized trial.

術後肝細胞がんの再発抑制に対する自家がんワクチン (AFTV) の有効性を判定するため、フェーズU後期の無作為化比較試験を実施した。
完治的切除を受けた 41例の肝細胞がん患者を自家がんワクチン投与群 (n=19) と非投与群 (n=22) に無作為に振り分け、肝切除から4−6週間後にワクチンを2週間間隔で3回投与した。また、ワクチン接種の前後に遅延型過敏症反応を行った。主要評価項目は無再発期間、副次的評価項目は生存期間で解析し、生存患者の大半が完治的切除後 12 ヶ月以上経つまで観察を継続した。
15ヶ月の中央値でワクチン投与患者の再発リスクは 81%減少した (P=0.003) 。ワクチンは有意に初発までの期間を延長し (P=0.003) 、無再発期間 (P=0.003) と生存率 (P=0.01) を改善した。この結果から、自家がんワクチンは術後肝細胞がん患者の再発抑制に働いていると言える。副作用は紅斑、剥離、掻痒など、グレード 1、またはグレード 2の皮膚毒性のみで問題にならないものであった。

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